Boat Maintenance, Repair, and Refit Services
Repairs & Refit
Pete Mathews and MathewsBros have over 28 years of experience dealing with everything boat related. Due to this experience and the resources available to use, we feel comfortable tackling any boat project!

We all have a boat that possesses a special pull on our hearts. Whether it’s time spent as a child with our parents on summer days, or continuing the tradition with our children, when we see that model and year we are transported back to those moments, even for a second. The problem with keeping boats for twenty to thirty years though, is that they age inversely to fine wine. Gelcoat and paint dull or crack, even the strongest caulk relents and lets water into places where it shouldn’t be, and I don’t think I need to say anything about maintaining mechanical components for longer than your kids live in the nest. But still, even all the headaches from frustration and the endless echoes of “Why don’t you just buy a new boat?”, you just can’t seem to let her go. Here at Mathews, we’re not going to tell you to buy a new boat, but we won’t say driving your baby around with burnt through paint and a motor shaking a spongey transom is a good way to show her respect. We want you to stay in your boat, and be thrilled with how it looks and feels. We will get your baby turning heads and standing up to the utmost scrutiny of any connoisseur. So if you have one of these old family relics languishing in a dusty old barn, maybe it’s time to bring it to Mathews Brothers. Be the envy of the creek and the boat club.
Contact us today to start your new journey with an old friend.
Repair/Refit Estimate Request
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Please click here if you would also like an estimate on winterization and/or storage
We can handle any and all of your maintenance needs! We typically provide our storage customers the following services: Pick up from dock, engine maintenance, winterization, storage, spring cleaning, varnish, bottom paint and delivery back to your dock.
If you decide to keep your boat in our Indoor Boat Storage or any of our other storage options, we'll keep an eye on it through the winter leaving you stress free!
We've had the opportunity to work on a myriad of projects and repairs in the past 28 years or so, if something has happened to your boat and you'd like it fixed, give us a call for a free quote. Check out some of our more recent repair projects
From minor refits to major ones - we enjoy working with all of our customers to make their boats comfortable, efficient and eye-catching! Whether it's New Varnish, NEW Paint, or personal customization, we're here to make your boating experience a better one! Click here to see some major refits we've done.
Repair/Refit Quotes
If you'd like an estimate on what it would cost to get some work done on your boat, please fill out our repair/refit estimate request form.
Repair/Refit Estimate Request
* Indicates required field
Please click here if you would also like an estimate on winterization and/or storage